
Charles Lexnox Mysteries

The series follows Charles Lenox, a high society, amateur detective. Set in London in the late 1800’s and sprinkled with the pageantry of the time. The audiobooks are read by a British man and that always makes for a fun listen!

Cleopatra Fox Mysteries

The series follows Cleopatra Fox, a young woman thrust into a new life by unfortunate circumstances. Set in London in the late 1800’s, Cleo is spunky and outspoken for the time period. She is curious and observant. These traits always make for an exciting read!

Divergent Series

A science fiction action/romance story. Exciting trilogy about a dystopian society. The main character, Beatrice, finds herself questioning how she fits into the society as she comes of age and battles with a series of moral challenges. The blurb is great on Amazon. I enjoyed these books!



